The struggle is eternal.

The tribe increases. Somebody else

carries on.

— Ella Baker


A community of joyful practice

We’re growing a community of experiments in education justice. Join us in re-imagining schools as spaces of freedom, liberatory practice and joy!

Join us!

  • So happy you are here. This space is for you!

  • So happy you are here. This is a space to co-design alongside the students and young people we love!

  • So happy you are here. This is a space to amplify the voices of young people in NYC. If you have capacity, resources, superpowers or funding to do this work, join us!


Join us


Community is Power


Community is Power 〰️


This work was co-created alongside young people in New York City. It is the culminating work in the 2022 Design for Social Innovation showcase by lead co-designer Mickey Ferrara.



Coming Soon:

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