What Young People Are Saying
"I feel like teachers and principals should trust us.
We know what we need because every day we think about it and hear from our friends.These are things they don't even see and they should care about."
— Luna, Youth Co-designer
“I think if we are able to see themselves as leaders, then that we can definitely have a major impact on our collective future.”
— Shari, Youth Co-designer
Youth deserve joy and rest. Neither can exist without the other. We need to resist the urge to adultify youth and add to their responsibilities.
We deserve to have childish, unapologetic joy.
— Alex, Youth Co-designer
This space actively reimagines the schools that could exist, and how we are making them real, embodied and felt right now.
Students are the most important levers in the calls for social change.
It’s time to shift power to the people most directly impacted by systems of education to imagine, create and sustain the classrooms of their dreams. Focusing on schools as sites of transformation creates new possibilities to move from seeing students as passive recipients to creators of new pedagogies and paradigms.
Through the process of inquiry and imagination, we have the ability to transform what we think and see when we hear the word “school” and to catalyze school transformation in NYC and beyond.